Our aim in elkomy holding is to build a promising future therefore elkomy is joining the education sector by having national and international schools under construction.

Why elkomy is joining the educational sector?

We are joining the educational sector to develop well-rounded and thoughtful students prepared to cope with a rapidly changing and globalized world.
Instilling them lifelong learning, critical thinking and ethics using the modern and innovative educational methods.
Mission & Vision

We strive to offer comprehensive and balanced educational programs that enable our students to reach and expand their potential.


Serve our society through productive, responsible, ethical, and creative citizens.

Our Values

  • Knowledge: Cultivating knowledge in every student.
  • Concern: Our concern is to provide a healthy and respectful environment for our students.
  • Citizenship: Instill our country’s love and respect in the upcoming generations.
  • Modernity: Having a global perspective, using a modern and innovative educational system.
  • Responsive: Continual enhancements to our educational system.